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Old 11-24-2018, 05:33 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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The big disconnect between me and much of the left is when it comes to situations like South Africa, they come up with some bullshit excuse for the black regimes oppressive behavior based on past wrongs by various ancestors.

Here's some problematic implications with defending South African racism among blacks there:

1) Two wrongs make a right. Its ok to wrong people that did nothing to you because one of their ancestories (theoretically if not actually) did the same to your ancestors.

2) There's something just plain wrong with white people. They are the only type people in the world that oppress others and are racist.

3) White people need to fix themselves, everyone else is fine. Non-whites are doing everything right, and whites just need to stop being racist and help them and then they will no longer do bad things. Which they only do because of whites -- and they are justified.

People are people, reguardless of ethnicity. They are all prone to using their racial majority status in a way to advantage themselves. This is normal for a human being. We in the west think this is bad (because it is mostly) -- so we try to change our natural tendency to do this. But make no mistake, any group of people would be a bunch of racist slavers if they could. History pretty much bears this out.

The reason I don't agree with the alt right. Is because they use some of this info to more or less argue "well we got to be super racist then because its natural and the only realistic way to get people mobilized." Sounds like an OK argument before -- you know -- Hilter and WW2 kind of showed where that is likely to land your country in the long run. Not to mention its very evil and I don't fancy the instability either.
Last edited by JurisDictum; 11-24-2018 at 05:36 PM..