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Old 01-05-2019, 07:22 PM
Para99 Para99 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 177

What Enjchanter said is the way to do it, using gnome + /tar for lulls. Almost always you will want to lull the few live mobs and IVU, especially if hamal/helot's are part of the undead because they will +MR buff themselves. Most of the time you will have to calm between 0-3 mobs tops.

Bind sight for a couple minutes so you can watch the pathers and make sure one isn't a live mob you haven't lulled. Once you get to the cubby you can check all 5 named spawns in South with proper bind sighting and camera angling, and of course make /pet attack macro's to check.

Alternatively, you can get a double invis if someone is at entrance and as long as a see invis bile golem isn't up none of the other mobs will see through double invis, including pulsating biles. Bile golems are one of the rarer trash mobs in South, much less common than they are in North and West.

Once you plan on venturing out of the cubby in South I suggest doing the cloak of undead eye quest once it only takes 10 minutes or so. If you are running down the hall and IVU starts to fade in between a bunch of HT's you can refresh it without being seen. It's only 2 charges and you may never end up needing it but it's worth carrying imo.

Forgot to say if you don't already know, if a necro mob dots you and you charm the necro it will instantly strip the dot.
Last edited by Para99; 01-05-2019 at 07:28 PM..