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Old 01-05-2019, 08:06 PM
Para99 Para99 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 177

One last suggestion:

This is primarily for long term key corpsing once you start using zomm to get into the wings but still want a key to occasionally bring multiple other people in easily or for a really easy CR.

Use deathfist belts/bone chips to get a toon to level 5, I used a halfling rogue for sneak/hide. Some form of invis will be handy. Get the level 5 toon a port to Skyfire and run to OT outpost, you have to be level 5 to zone into OT. Get a bind up against the outpost wall preferably on the ocean side. Put your key(s) on this toon and run into the cliff golem.

Now every week when you need to recorpse your key(s) you log into the level 5, run straight into the cliff golem, log out. It takes about 1 minute total to loot your last corpse and make a new one. You will delevel to 4 but as long as you don't ever zone out of OT you're fine.

It is much less of a hassle than making sure your enchanter is in OT and corpsing yourself + rebuffing every week. It's also a great way to corpse lore items quickly.