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Old 12-16-2017, 10:45 AM
Crashking Crashking is offline

Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Antarctica
Posts: 200

Here's a solution for green -- take the nerfed items and just never put them in no camping required then. They then can be GM event rewards? Yep not classic, but then how one defines classic can differ.

A slightly different method to avoid the major poop socking would be public waitlist you get added to list and it just goes in order by your ability to show. Once you have had camp you are removed from the list.. ie just a giant queue but not needing to poop sock in zone, but this would rely on player honesty. Only issue here is what other rules would be dropped in place -- level limit or what not. I mean why can't I loot something to a level 1 if I manage to get it killed and can get toon there?