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Old 07-12-2018, 10:57 AM
Frug Frug is offline
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Default What magic is required for the auction tracker?

I've uploaded my auction lines of the form:

[Thu Jun 21 20:20:24 2018] Barshindem auctions, 'WTS Barbed Velium Spear 4k, Beaded Slime Necklace 100p, Dwarven Work Boots 200p, Bear Skins of Rage 300p, Sarnak-Hide Mask 75p, Runed Bone Fork 200p, prices negotiable'

Containing those lines, an NOTHING BUT those lines.

And what I get is the following. Why [0] unique prices, and [0] new prices added? Is this saying that someone else also uploaded the same line and my auctions provide no new information? (That's fine, just trying to mentally parse the output.)

Does the tracker allow multiple things for sale on one auction line?

Thanks for the upload! Working...
Upload filename: auctions.txt

Size: 43 Kb

Processed [244] log lines, found [244] auctions, with [0] unique prices.

Added [0] new prices to the auction database! (0 duplicates)
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