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Old 07-18-2019, 06:33 AM
Halfcell Halfcell is offline

Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 173

So, no one has really answered this very well. Some strat differences depend on gear level of course, but some tips for low gear level are:

Keep up at least 4 junk buffs, all the names dispell like crazy.

Buy a root net, keep root up too, but if you get a resist, or a mob breaks root mid cast, insta-root is clutch.

Don't be in a hurry. Root the names, malo, sini, slow, cripple, disease debuff, then canni/torp back up to full before you damage them enough to get summoned.

Avoid Harbinger, his loot sucks and he is the hardest of the 4.

Know where your WC cap is and make sure it is charged.