Thread: Toxic!
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Old 04-24-2019, 09:53 AM
Pyrion Pyrion is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 737

in my experience there are only a few real griefers on the server. But since the population is that low, that's already a decent percentage of the population.

PvP on itself is a nice concept. Resolve camping disputes: easy. Can't stand other guild? Make a guild war. The PvP on this server is nothing like that unfortunately. Here are the 3 types of PvPers that i encountered:

1) The philosopher (just one person, has toons at different levels). He want's to raise "awareness", so he kills you out of the blue with a maxed out raid geared level 25 toon. That one actually isn't so bad, pretty funny even. He honestly thinks people need to be more aware of the hostile environment. He only kills you once and usually doesn't loot you.
2) The "other players are just mobs with more money" type. Those are mainly in for the money. They kill ruthlessly and efficiently, take your money and go. Of course they try to time their kill such that you can't really respond, maybe while fighting some mobs.
3) The "god complex" type. Those just kill to feel superior (which they usually are, raid geared to the max). I do understand that type. What i don't get is the persistence. It must get boring after a few times... but apparently, for some people it's great entertainment.

And that's all i ever witnessed on this red server. No noble fights for camps, no guild wars, just petty crimes.