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Old 04-24-2014, 09:42 AM
Heavenzoutcast Heavenzoutcast is offline

Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 108

Monk and hard are both great classes. Most monks here are twinks but don't let that throw you. I have experience with both in EQ and I can say they are totally different classes that have their ups and downs. I've always rolled my eyes at people saying "play what you want to play", but in reality that is the best information anyone can give you. Whatever class you can log onto each day and look forward to playing to each time... Play that one. All the classes are there so you have a choice. Some people like to fight, others like to heal, then again some like to play from a far and watch things burn. Play whatever class you actually enjoy getting on each day without regrets. That class will make you keep coming back for more and not get bored and decide to leave.