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Old 09-13-2021, 02:08 PM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

Why is Chicago so dangerous can anyone tell me the truth? At least as you see it.

Why would a mom shoot her 12 years old kid over a memory card?

I'm not even going to start by assuming their race or gender, faith or political party. I bet it runs deeper than that even if some of those things factored in.

How could race factor you say? Maybe she was abused, neglected, or demonized by the media or her teachers, or never had a good job because she's a member of an oppressed minority.

That is still not the real reason though, I wager. There has to be more to it. And even if it was it doesn't make it ok. Or someone else's fault. She still chose to pull that trigger. Even if her demographic was different. It's still bad, and there's still a reason. And it still doesn't reflect on others of her demographic.

I'm even open to speculation.


My best guess, abuse, neglect, child abuse. Drugs. Poverty. And it's still not ok.

Tell me guys. And tell us how to fix it. Or give people the opportunity to fix it. These things will always happen as long as memory cards, mothers, and children exist. So how do we deal with this instance skillfully. Learn from it. And at least offer people the opportunity to avoid it again.