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Old 03-14-2017, 08:12 PM
Symbioticforks Symbioticforks is offline

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Default AC soft caps on P99 / Shield AC

I would like to know if there's ever been any confirmation on AC soft caps.

How much AC does a Silver Dagger of Destruction really provide?

If AC softcaps are in the game and the following is correct when equipped with a Silver Dagger of Destruction, you'll only receive 3 AC (provided you're already at 75 AC soft cap) instead of the 50 listed on the item or the 85 displayed on your ui when equipped.

Soft Caps
Cloth..........= ~75 worn AC (yes its really that low)
Leather......= ~100 worn AC
Monk..........= ~120 worn AC (if they are under 15 stone wieght)
Chain.........= ~200 worn AC
Plate .........= ~300 worn AC

AC returns after the soft cap has been reached
45%: Warrior (from Devs)
33%: Knight (from Devs), Monk (reportedly equal to Knight? via Zajeer?)
23%: Cleric, Bard (via L2), BZR (rough estimate based off of parsing)
17%: BST, Ranger (BST is ~1/2 of the monk, ranger hearsay)
6%: Druid, Enc, Mag, Nec, Wiz (~1/3 of BST -- Druid was quoted as "lowest")
Rogue, Shaman? Probably they are close to cleric returns.

taken from

A developer would easily know the answer to this.

Do shields provide AC past the soft cap? and if so..

A warrior is able to Bash with Orb of the Infinite Void so is that a shield then?

How about Barrier of Sound?

With Barrier of Sound you're either getting 40 AC or 2.4 AC. No class with Bash is able to equip so without testing a parse it's impossible determine it's status as an actual Shield. (assuming Bash qualifies a secondary as a Shield)
Last edited by Symbioticforks; 03-14-2017 at 08:22 PM..