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Old 05-12-2019, 01:06 AM
NachtMystium NachtMystium is offline

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Posts: 477
Default DXM and EverQuest

Dextromethorphan is often overlooked as a high school child's cheap, legal high.

EverQuest was created for DXM, if you're not dosing at least 500mg-1g and playing a High Elf Paladin only because the friend that introduced to the game told you to and you came to in GFay and were like "WTF is this fucking shit I like dis shit" and then the drugs start kicking in and then you're like "oh shit ***** i really DO be likin this shit FOR REAL"

Fast forward 10 years after you skipped class to play EverQuest, you're 32 years old.
Youre working at a local grocery chain, simple job. Your mother is still alive thank god, you've got a nice cushy gig.

You haven't thought about DXM in years until one of your co-workers put some TOOL on in the work truck and all of a sudden you got some fuckin North Ro flashbacks. That night you decide to down an 8oz bottle of robittusin minus the guaifenesin.

You're in the back room, "Your room", and you've got Tool's Lateralus playing in the background, you decide to make a Troll shaman because they are so ugly but so compelling at the same time, EverQuest has that real ***** draw.

Youre killing some major froglok tads when all of a sudden you get this huge rush of high school memories and realize where you are now...

You're back on the static prison that robbed you of your potential.

You're still here.

It's somewhat the same.

It's your childhood.

It's the void.

It's your mom's queefs at midnight.

It's drugs.

It's young scholars.

It's EverQuest.

Please, stop this EverQuest.