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Old 03-03-2019, 05:22 PM
AbstractVision AbstractVision is offline

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ReShade works with P99, it just provides a post process filter over the graphics. There are still many limitations of what you can use within ReShade, for example, its difficult to get true shadows or real HDR/bloom but you can get fake HDR pretty easily. Because of the way EQ did textures some of the effects will make the world look better but will cause very noticeable lines between different angles/texture. You will have to play around with different settings and find what works for you. The thing this does best is brighten the colors of the game giving them a pop and leaving behind the washed out look.

It is also possible to use ENBinjector to do the same thing but much more limited, the only difference is that you can get better shadows with this but I didn't find it worth it and I don't think I have the files to do provide those anymore.

The Trilogy HD files do make some zones look considerably better as well as towns with readable signage.