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Old 08-23-2017, 06:46 AM
TeemoOfAstora TeemoOfAstora is offline

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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Jobland, where jobs grow on jobbies
Posts: 97

you the bard are immune to any sort of means for mana acquisition, so you will always be stuck at 2/tick sitting.
Manastone, modrod, potg, c2 etc all refuse to work on bards. also, it's worth noting a couple of things:
1) the amount of mana one gets from pulsed mana songs only gets amplified by the bard epic
2) the amount of mana scales with bard level, from 5 to 7 for that song and
3) client displayed mana/hp values displayed in the ui are notoriously wonky sometimes ticking up or down haphazardly, complicating "measurements" of regen rates.
I suspect a combination of bard mana immunity and thing 3) to be responsible for your predicament.
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