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Old 04-16-2018, 12:03 PM
Triiz Triiz is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 578

Daud is correct. Bard mez will overwrite any Enchanter mez in the game, since Enchanter's shortest duration mez is 24 seconds. Like he said, shortest duration mez always takes hold it doesn't matter what order they were casted

I agreee with Terrel on everything else. I'm a subscriber to the idea that Charisma has a very minimal impact on bard Charm landing, and it has 0 impact on the duration since it's fixed. It does matter for Lull's, but just get a Kobold Jesters Crown (+30CHA) when you can afford it, and maybe a few cheap high CHA items (Gypsy medallion, +7cha bracers, Neriad Shawl if you ever get a chance to loot one for free) and swap them in before you lull. Don't be the bard running around wearing Opalline earrings all the time.

Bard songs "fizzle" so little that stacking DEX for anything besides proccing is dumb. Even when you do fizzle it's inconsequential, it doesn't cost any mana or anything.

Once you get to level 47, or 50 and can click a Breath of Harmony, Niv's Melody of Preservation will stack with Cantana so you can have two heal songs going. It's a Stringed song, so using the Breath of Harmony clicky will heal less than playing the actual song with an instrument.