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Old 02-06-2020, 07:41 AM
sycopata666 sycopata666 is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 59
Default Rogue solo need a Loan please

I apologize if anyone is offended by this request, but as a Rogue, it is hard for me to level up alone, despite the great help I have had so far by the blue community.
My strategy so far has been to hold as many life points as possible,this include priest/druid EC tunnel buffs, In order to be able to heal me with bandages at 50% of life, and with that 50% of life to face blue / green enemies, the problem is that this is starting to no work, and at lvl 30 leveling zones are far from EC tunnel, and that 50% of life is already falling short to be able to face the light blues, and some times with a bad luck critial hits from enemies, i dead and exp non advance so much.
This mean wen i reach 50% life with bandages, i have to sit and wait life go to 75% a more secure pool, but this take so long, considering my continuous consumption of bandages 1p each stack, my income is very low and my capacity for limited savings, it is for this reason that if someone has an Ceremonia iksar tunic in some alter that is not using, and could lend it to me temporarily, I would be very grateful,
I know is a atipic request and I hope that reaching higher levels month will be easier to find groups and not have to continue playing solo as a Rogue, and return the tunic that of course and due to its value I will always return to its owner at any time they need it.

If no one can help me, im just keeping leveling slow like other people sure did, not be mad for my request please, i just want lvl up to cach the hi lvl meta of blue community.
Sycopata (Rogue) 35
Sycopata (Shaman) 24
Tetalia (Enchanter) 30
Sycopata (Troll Warrior) 65 Clan Odisea -Solusek Ro