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Old 11-03-2015, 09:07 PM
gwideon gwideon is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Ak'Anon
Posts: 202
Default Tinkering not treated as a cultural skill - cannot get to 201 skill

Gnomish Greetings!

I believe that the trade skill system is treating tinkering as a trade skill that cannot exceed 200, if you have another skill above 200. I have made 40 combines at the skill 200 with 255 INT. Where before I was seeing a skill up about once every 10 - 14 attempts, zero since reaching 200.

It costs me about 205p per attempt for the Tinkering. I have spent over 6000p in combine attempts since reaching the cap. I would much appreciate if someone could confirm before I pour money into attempts.

Thank ye kindly,

Jewelry Making 250
Tinkering 200
Blacksmithing 200
Fletching 187
Research 172
Baking 157
Pottery 148
Brewing 135
Tailoring 131
{in an itty bitty living space}
60th Gnomish Wizard LFG!
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