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Old 11-28-2019, 02:30 PM
stewe stewe is offline

Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 157
Default Manipulative PPL

What is it with some ppl on p99 begin so manipulative, first there was the guy trying to get ppl to supply money for his blacksmithing skill ups under the guise of doing it to help people with banded and now i run into another gem on teal named harms or something like that, this guy acts like he spawns Quillmane out of the kindest of his heart for ppl in the zone but the fact is he already has one and he is just killing all the PHes to try and get Groi to spawn, wanna shout out quillmane is up im all to happy but to act like you are doing it for other ppl and not for yourself cause you are trying to get another named mob to spawn is manipulative.