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Old 10-19-2019, 10:37 PM
Mooshu3100 Mooshu3100 is offline

Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 31
Default I hate my indecisiveness! SK or Pally??

The dawn of green is upon us! With that being said I’m still torn between the two classes I’ve settled on. Never did Qeynos before so I wanted to start a human. Class either SK or Pally, but can’t decide!

Thoughts so far:

SK - Slightly better DPS, Invis, FD!, can solo better for those times when i don’t have a lot of time to devote to a group.. but some factioning/early quest issues for easy cash/xp..

Paladin - Cool LoH group save moments, feels neat to be able to buff and heal others, easy access to shops/banks/not hated, access to Ghoulbane and an easier epic, can do all those lowbie diseased pelt/Gnoll fang/bandit quests...but low dps, difficult to solo with (especially no Deepwater helm!), difficult to travel through a dungeon (no Invis etc)..

Help me decide and then plz invite me to your groups to painfully grind my way through the journey! 😬