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Old 05-01-2016, 01:16 AM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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"Recent research suggests a psychopath’s brain is not like other people’s. It may have physical differences that make it hard for the person to identify with someone else’s distress.

The differences can even change basic body functions. For example, when most people see blood or violence in a movie, their hearts beat faster, their breathing quickens, and their palms get sweaty.

A psychopath has the opposite reaction. He gets calmer. Kipnis says that quality helps psychopaths be fearless and engage in risky behavior.

“They don’t fear the consequences of their actions,” he says.

Cruz is probably a sociopath...these terms refer to whether the person's lack of empathy is natural or social in origin. But then it fell out of favor because they weren't actually sure about sociopaths being caused by environment.

The point is, this motherfucker never feels bad. Hes the kind of guy that would sell out his mother. He's probably conservative only because it is easier to get power in that party; and he's probably tea party because that was his opening.

Cruz is not like Ryan, who actually believes getting rid of benefits will help poor people.