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Old 12-25-2018, 04:47 PM
Oleris Oleris is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Bard PL Service 1-20 Melee, 1-44ish PBAE

Epic Bard PL service. I can Double DS + bracer for 46 per tick. I can pull large quantities of mobs. You do 1 damage and I kill with my damage shield. I can also snare song 25 mobs and a PBAE class does 51% of damage and I kill after.

I will go to zones that I won't disrupt. Preferably field of bone, lake of il omen and Overthere.

I can also offer my 60 necro or monk for melee PL's, but we can negotiate on that.

Playtimes I can offer my services week days after 6 pm PST until around 9:30 PST and weekend mornings until 5 PM PST.

Bard PL cost

Level Range 1-20 (All classes)
1-20: 5K
x-20: Negotiable.

Level Range 21-30 (PBAE Classes only)
21-30: 1K per level

Level Range 31-44 (PBAoE classes only**)
31: 2K
32-35: 1.5K per level
36: 3K
37-40: 2K per level
41: 4K
42-44: 2K per level
<Aftermath> Oleris- 60 epic necro, Olerris- 60 epic monk. Songerino 60 epic Bard

Halloween 2015 event:

PL service