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Old 02-04-2019, 11:16 AM
Irulan Irulan is offline

Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2,083
Default Reading RoZs boards. And discord.

I felt like Roz while probably the technically superior server code wise thanks to on going contributions from well know major faggits is the genuine circle jerk.

This community is split into two groups of cucks that are too bitchmade to play on the same box with more cool and normal folks.

And so they split off and built their own little play pen and called it RoZ.

There is genuinely too much testosterone in this community for me to consider remaining an active participant on either box. A lot of constant salty male tears.

It's made me re-evaluate my life choices.

I wanted to make love to you one last time EQ PvP. Alas, your butt holes remain unshaven and unplucked.

R. I. P.