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Old 10-14-2022, 08:32 PM
alphys alphys is offline

Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Kelethin
Posts: 628

Its always funny, the most IN DEBT people always try to flaunt their wealth.

They always have

1. Huge mortgage
2. several car payments
3. student loans
4. TONS of subscriptions services
5. HUGE amount of money spent per week on take out

They are always one or two paychecks away from squalor but love to pretend they are wealthy.

I am wealthy. I never have to work again. When I want something new, I might take a job, or just save for a few months. Wealth is freedom with your time.

When you are locked into your job, you never have freedom of time. You can pretend all you like as you slave away. Compare your rims with your neighbors, covet each other's wives. I am here just enjoying myself.

PS get vaxxed fuck face