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Old 08-16-2019, 12:33 PM
BallzDeep BallzDeep is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 718

Missing the point. Freedom of speech is absolute as long as it is not a call to action or infringement on others rights. You can argue the specifics of that all you want to take away from the point that nothing Trump did was a crime.

When people refer to freedom of speech is absolute, of course there are regulations. There are regulations in the founding document that states libel. I pointed this out earlier. The term refers to, there is no such thing as hate speech, racist speech, "enlisting" speech. These are not crimes.

You are agreeing with me and obviously don't get it, freedom of speech being absolute refers to that we have a Constitution in place. Absolute being the first amendment, written in word and hasn't been doctored. We don't grant the right, we protect the right.

So, in the US, it takes a huge amount of effort to curve people from literally saying anything they want, any time they want. You have to show that the restriction of speech is because it infringes on other people's rights, or other more important rights. A great example is yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. This is restricted because it causes bodily harm. A similar restriction would exist if, by my merely saying a word, people died