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Old 10-04-2017, 12:19 PM
markcosmin markcosmin is offline

Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 79

Level 10+:
<.66: Green, with only high green giving XP
>.66 and <.73ish: Light blue
>.73 and <.9999999: Dark blue
Same level: White
Level + 1 and +2: Yellow
> Level + 2: Red

Until 15, Blue is the 2 levels under you.
From 15-24, Blue is the 4 levels under you.
From 25-34, Blue is the 5 levels under you.
From 35-44, Blue is the 7 levels under you.
From 45-54, Blue is the 9 levels under you.
From 55-60, Blue is the 15 levels under you.

????? this right? I've never seen a light blue but this is the info I found on it concerning p99.

All of this is extremely confusing considering the popular 'evil shaman guide' 'how to make money while leveling' etc guides will explicitly tell you sham, necro, enc, etc can start for example at sisters in OOT at 24. They are yellow at 24. What normal level 24 person is killing two yellow mobs at once? It's possible with 0 resists and root landing a decent amount of time, but it strictly does not. Especially not reliably enough to 'camp' the spot.

And before I see that 'git gud' garbage. I'm doing exactly what's expected. Open with malo > root > dot > dot > nuke }{ even on a mob 3~ levels below me (with malo on) we're talking an average of 2 resists per kill. 4 on a bad kill, 0 on a good. That's 50-65% mana per kill. That's with 1200 mana. Are people operating at 1500 mana with fungi's and clickies at level 20 or something? I don't get it.
Last edited by markcosmin; 10-04-2017 at 12:28 PM..