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Old 12-01-2020, 10:58 AM
MikeXG MikeXG is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 432
Default Question regarding Epic and factions

I tend to solo a lot, regardless of what class I play. More often than not, I end up killing guards or a random NPC, resulting in faction in certain cities being less than favorable and usually KOS. I am curious if there is a resource for what faction(s) are needed to be able to complete various steps of epic quests. So far, I've gone to the wiki section for each epic I am remotely interested in and click through the NPCs to see what faction they are etc, but this is very time consuming and also not super accurate. I know it is a bit of a stretch but if anyone has a resource (or just knows what faction not to fuck up for each or a certain class) that would be super helpful.

Interested in the answer for multiple classes, but personally the one I am most concerned about is my Bard. Granted I most likely won't ever complete the epic since it is one of the harder ones I hear? Bard was one of my first toons when I started on P99 and all of my friends were evil so I tended to hunt the same things they did. Dwarf Guards, FP guards, maybe even high elf guards?

Anyway, thanks for taking the time. Cheers!

TL;DR Where can I find out what factions I shouldn't fuck up for each classes epic?