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Old 12-03-2019, 11:46 AM
dk0 dk0 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 93
Default The Solution We've All Been Waiting For

Ok gather 'round all you p99'ers. The Greens, the Teals, Blues, and even Reds. I'm about to propose a solution that will solve everybody's problems. And since there's such an amazing track record of success stemming from ideas proposed in RnF, I'm feeling great about this.

We take a page out of 19th century Britain. They sent 162,000 convicts overseas to a place called Australia. Let's start shipping our problem children over-servers.

Right now, Green/Teal are the new hotness. Players who egregiously break rules, are repeat offenders, or generally ruining the atmosphere of the server should be transferred from Green/Teal to Blue. Of course, give them their appropriate warnings and in-server punishments. But after a while, enough is enough. Ship 'em out!

This will both A) thin out the clowns on new servers that are ruining experiences, and B) increase the population of Blue where everybody already has years of experience dealing with clowns. It's a win/win.

Keep this going even further by shipping out people from Blue to Red if they cause problems. Once you've made it that far, there's no hope for you and Red will take care of itself. Blue gets rid of its worst offenders, Red gets new blood. The world rejoices.

I call this "Trickle-Down EQnomics."