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Old 02-10-2019, 03:56 PM
NuanImproved NuanImproved is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 25

Thank you so much Rogean, Haynar, Nilbog and Telin! This has got to be one of the most appreciated labors of love of the past two decades, if not ever.

FYI: My SK defense skill bug persists, and is still correct by loading a character into Cobalt Scar. It is still shown as red on normal game loading (227), with corresponding AC (910 atm). If a character is loaded into CS on the same client, logged out, and my SK logged into, defense is shown as white (252) and AC is (974). No parsing or evidence of damage taken sadly, but I feel way tougher and skills are shown consistently as different. This is unchanged from client behavior prior to the patch, and I've been telling hybrids when I get the chance (am not very active).

All an FYI, no direct response requested. Thanks again p1999 team!!!!