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Old 07-04-2022, 02:57 PM
bobjonesp99 bobjonesp99 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 226

im not sure anyone is really certain unless they can show with some kind of proof that weapon bonus is applied to the offhand as well.

what does APPEAR obvious is that agro is not strictly related to damage done, but more closely related to number of swings. the original white damage agro forumla i have seen is weapon_damage + bonus_damage / hasted_delay regardless of hit or miss.

this is different then the damage formula which is ( weapon_damage * damage_modifier + bonus_damage ) / hasted_delay and generally suggest that weapon delay is more important than weapon damage for generating agro... the same would be true if the damage_bonus applied to the offhand as well (i.e. lower delay is more important than weapon damage).

however, i have never seen any definitive proof that this is the case however (either via code formula or clear cut empirical evidence). like i said, in my experience, i notice that faster weapons seem to generate more agro than equal or slightly better DPS slow weapons.
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