Thread: Game of Thrones
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Old 05-15-2019, 11:01 PM
NegaStoat NegaStoat is offline
Fire Giant

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I can enjoy a lot of things, but enjoyment comes from the feeling of satisfaction of expectations being met as a viewer at the price of your buying into the rules and limitations of an offered setting of a show. Episodes 3 & 5 of season 8 pretty much look at the rules that are established from seasons 1-4 and said "ah, fuggit."

This is ranging from armor ceasing to work against wooden weapons, characters in the story seemingly teleporting to new locations at convenient times for no good reason (Euron is a much bigger offender of this over Arya) to white walkers going into a hot blaze like dry kindling at the mere touch of fire... until they need to build a bridge of corpses over a blazing moat... god I could go on.

I can enjoy the show as simple brainless entertainment but I stop respecting a show very quickly when the writers can't be assed to look at the years of the same production of things that came before and stick with what's been established.

At the end of things I can say "yes" that I'm glad that HBO made the show at all and carried it through to an ending rather than it dying part way through. That's even more annoying. I have my doubts that time will treat this series well with reviews involving anything from seasons 5-8.