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Old 08-20-2019, 07:00 PM
lifewater lifewater is offline

Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by Littul Jonn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I agree the conveyor is a bit silly, but before I understood how it worked I was upset. Once I understood all the mechanics behind it and the level of skill required to successfully complete those pulls I was more motivated to play and attempt to compete in that arena. (Not inferring you don't understand the mechanics)

I think the thing that most disappoints me about the tenancy to lean on the rooted raid targets as a fix to CSR problems is it changes the resource needed to compete from skill to bodies. Sure you need to know how to play your class and you cant just warm body it into North and come up with a kill but numbers are a far more scarce resource in this game. I think building a system (rooted raid targets) based on numbers required is going to kill the actual competition on this server and it will be just like any one of the instanced servers come March of next year. Hopefully i'm wrong.
What your saying is true, but its important to note that the "skill" portion of that explanation is referring to the tiny team of pullers to get the dragon to the zone cleanly. The content was done with less people at zoneline not because people were more skilled, but because there was nothing to overcome but the dragon.

I feel like the current meta requires more skill, or at least it requires skill from more people aside from 5 key players, especially on the actual dragon engages. It also forces more personal responsibility on classes other then pullers. Pullers are still critical, but since dragons are rooted. you need to deal with guards and there is more chaos going on general. Multiple tanks, split healing, kiting and all this other nonsense that simply didn't happen before. Also specific to our current meta, leapfrogging is a possibility, so there's now an increased risk needed to secure kills (killing multiple guards). Overall I feel like there's more thought involved then there ever was before.

If I remember right....a few cycles ago AM was taking some serious risks with new coth locations (I think it was dagarn/kriezan?). Something that never would of happen in the previous meta. So while this meta ups to entry requirements for guilds, its also forces guilds to think outside the box a bit.

And also as far as I know (I'm a new P99 compared to veterans), this last few months has been the most competitive that ToV has seen in a long time. Two whole guilds are competing regularly! :P But seriously we've also seen AEGIS and other guilds make their way in to NToV as well occasionally. It feels healthy to me.