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Old 07-18-2020, 12:45 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Enchanters and Torpor Shamans can solo some of the toughest mobs. They are the top tier soloers. But there are camps that Enchanters can do that Shamans can't, and vice versa. There is no one absolute best soloer. It depends on what you want to solo.

Shamans are the king at killing monsters that are Slowable and can summon. Their high amount of damage mitigation (Torpor and Slow) allow them to face tank hard mobs to death. The process can be slow, but it is very effective.

The biggest downside to Shamans is they aren't very good at handling 4+ mobs, especially in hard areas. Shaman spells cost a lot of mana, so trying to maintain slow and root on more than 3 mobs at a time is almost impossible. You could be super risk taking and only root the mobs, but you take a lot of damage if root breaks occur. Taking damage as a Shaman translates to lower Mana Regeneration. You are spending a lot of HP on damage, instead of cannibalize.

This is where Enchanters can shine. If there is a group of hard monsters, an Enchanter has way more tools to break them up. This is especially true when mobs are immune to roots and snares. Sirens Grotto is a perfect example here. That zone is basically tailor made for Enchanters. Shamans can slowly solo some mobs here, but it isn't a great experience. Enchanters can also kill mobs that are unslowable, if there is a good mob to Charm nearby. It is difficult for a Shaman to solo unslowable mobs.

To the original question, Shamans are still great soloers pre-Torpor. Slow, Regenration, Pet, and Cannibalize allow you to kill mobs quite effectively, while not losing a ton of resources. When Kunark comes out, you will have access to Fungi Tunic, Fungi Staff, and JBB. Yes, they will be highly sought after, but even one of those items will significatly improve your performance, and you should be able to obtain at least one with a bit of effort or plat farming. Epic and Torpor will be the bigger bottlenecks, but you can certainly do well without them.

I would roll a Shaman even without plans for Torpor. They have a fun playstyle and are quite efficient at farming.