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Old 11-22-2019, 02:45 AM
Tiger_King Tiger_King is offline

Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 38

I’m not trying to be insulting. I’m trying to show the bias that has been put into place on purpose here. Seeing as how there are many testimonies alleging significantly higher drop rates along with proof drop rates became nerfed much later on for items (i.e manastone) in actual patch notes recovered. what was done here was purposeful and unrealistic and is now causing people potential health hazards.

We can decry the problem over and over all we want but until something is done to at least show some basic concern towards the community’s realistic understanding (the drop rates were significantly higher in the past and list systems are being severely abused by account sharing) vs reality (people might actually die trying to solo camp these items) is a major thing that should be addressed PERIOD.

Literally who in the community would care if manastone Value held at 800k plat anymore if someone died in the process of keeping its price tag artificially high in a fantasy game?