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Old 11-21-2021, 05:59 PM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

Chanters will be fine. If you enjoyed an 85 SK you'll have the chops to play any class.

Do u want to chill or be top dawg?

Both shm, ench can aspire to that.

So can SK, they're a lot different on p99 tho and it will take a year or more to start collecting really decent gear unless you stay logged in three months straight.

Everyone says ogre shm is the best. Ench. Come in close 2cnd.

Necro, druid, bard is hotsauce. Clr, mage is desirable you won't be top gun, though with effort and investment you can do some cool stuff. There was a clr soloing raid mobs with puppet strings on YouTube.

And paladins can solo well for under 10k in gear. If not slowly.
Last edited by starkind; 11-21-2021 at 06:02 PM..