Thread: Limiting FPS?
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Old 11-12-2019, 06:18 AM
solutionx solutionx is offline

Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 41
Default Limiting FPS?

I've played on Blue. 60 necro / 53 chanter.

Did something change with the last patches forcing high FPS?

I no longer seem able to limit my FPS down to something lower. I don't have a dedicated "Gaming PC" of any sort, just a work laptop and my crappy Windows mess-around, gaming, whatever laptop.

The problem is, now I can't seem to limit maximum FPS as I used to be able to, making my laptop work overtime and making my laptop automatically shut down within minutes on Teal.

I'd love to play, but I just can't in my situation. A work-around or solution would be appreciated.
Aatrek - 60 Necro
Tashmanian Devil - 51 Enchanter
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