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Old 01-03-2023, 03:36 PM
Alarria Alarria is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 101
Default New 60 enchanter, looking for suggestions (Green)

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Just got 60 on my enchanter this past weekend during the exp. bonus. Spent a lot of time in HS killing solo and in a duo/trio and it's been great. Now, that I am 60 I am looking for some good first steps to making some money for other characters.

I did pretty well in HS, farmed a lot of Adamantite Clubs, and other stuff (spells etc). My self buffed HP/Mana is about 1400/2700, and I have most of my big spells (GoPT, VoG, Bedlam) but do not have Forlorn Deeds or Dictate quite yet.

Most of the time I would be soloing, but occasionally have a cleric friend or his wizard. I had thought of AOEing droga for faction for Chardok, but I know that is pretty camped and items have been going down in value. I am pretty sure I could solo cliff golems, but I've never tried soling in Velks or Seb.

Just looking for some suggestions, and I appreciate ahead of time any feedback or advice!
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