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Old 01-19-2011, 08:12 PM
john_savage1982 john_savage1982 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 234

skull - if you hold down right mouse button and hold forward/right or forward/left you can run at a strafing diagonal angle. If you pan your camera while doing this you can run at a diagonal angle at an angle. This is the core of aoe kiting. Swing around in a circle and hit your AoE dot. Wait until the cast bar gets close to finishing then come in swing in close for the kill. It helps to play around with your camera (i play in 3rd person static, two? views after 1st person) to get it so you know you are close enough for the dot to land.

Practice with a low level mob somewhere. Remember also that this technique does not work with larger mobs. You also need a pretty good reliable connection since you can't have any lag.

Good luck