Thread: fine steel camp
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Old 06-27-2022, 09:39 AM
Kohedron Kohedron is offline

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 321

Wow that's really interesting, I was in a similar situation the other day when I have it on good authority and have been a member of a really great fine steel group. I don't really want to say where it is because it's a pretty "quiet" spot and don't want to bring too much attention to it but it's great for fine steel and grouping. It's very easy to make a lot of money selling the fine steel and also a lot of great experience points from the "mobs" that are a constant stream of pulls. There are a lot of drops like cutlasses and dirgers that really add up! So a group of mine (I'm a druid so really "stitch" the group together like Ma-Ti) was having a great time in this spot. We had an enchanter casting good spells on us, a damage dealer, a healer (other than myself), and a tank so everything was basically great. Our warrior was a human and our enchanter a great High Elf so had good stats and was really keeping things humming along. We had a couple of tough pulls every now and then but this is a tough fine steel camp and so it's kind of normal but it is a lot of fun! Nothing really got away from us because we were all paying attention but also having a good time in the group chat. Anyhow, we get a new comer along and she asks to join (it was a wood elf multiclass ranger) and said she "just wanted to grind experience and didn't want any fine steel." Cool beans. I don't really want to name names because maybe this was just a really bad experience and I don't want to make anyone feel bad but I just wanted to vent and so wanted to say that and that everything was basically fine up and until this point in the group when the wood elf ranger joined sometimes I heard that maybe rangers shouldn't be invited but we gave it a shot and so this is how it unfoled. So we had a spot and she invited her and she joined and that's when basically everything went downhill. We were getting a TON of the fine steel I menitoned and were doing a "maste loot"rotation where one person would loot and then we could just go sell really quickly and split and so everything was really fair and balanced and safe and effective. Then this ranger wood elf woman starts talking and it's like "wtf is with your claptrap?" She talks about how she should get most of the loot because she started to pull and could bring "singles." I mean, this isn't a bar. So she started to loot basically all the fine steel and that was a LOT of fine steel and she said she was going to sell it all and could even go quickly to a close vendor. We didn't really know if she could do that but then she said "afk few minutes" and left the zone (didn't put the "AFK" tag up) and when she came back all of a sudden had tons of bag space again. It seemed suspect and there was also a black peraol that she looted that she said she accdietnally destroyed. The group wasn't convinced that this actually happened and we talked a lot about it in "tells." Anyhow, at one point the group had an accident and we had to get a healer to come help and the ranger said she would stay and keep the camp broken up but really she just kept killing the monsters and taking the fine steel while we were all trying to get back alive. I don't want to name names but this wood elf ranger started with a "K" and so everyone should be on the lookout. This is a great community and everyone is helping everyone and it only takes one "bad apple" to spoil the bunch. Thanks.
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