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Old 09-28-2020, 02:12 AM
azxten azxten is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 753

As an example here is my X/Y coords before/after being hit once with no video lag compared to alt tabbing to simulate P99 video lag.

No video lag:

1.76, -2215.70
1.78, -2215.74

No lag delta:

.02, .04

Video lag:

1.87, -2215.87
2.02, -2216.11

Lag delta:

.15, .24

Basically a 5-10x increase in push distance from a single mob attack with some video processing lag. I'm fairly sure this is a big part of why channeling failed more often in classic as I imagine the client still resulted in more push if you had video processing lag which would have been common back then when EQ was a new game. More movement from mob attacks resulted in higher failure rates as we've always known channeling was more or less successful depending on the delta of your movement at start and end of casting.

This makes all casters easier than they were in classic but also makes charming significantly easier as casting the Enchanter AE stun, charm, mez, etc would be difficult with such exaggerated pushback.

In short, P99 Enchanter charm is similarly broken to Bard AE kiting with the reasoning that it was not technically capable to so easily cast through melee back then on the systems we had. I rest my case. Possible but risk was significantly higher same as Bard AE kiting.
Last edited by azxten; 09-28-2020 at 02:18 AM..