Thread: Miscellaneous: paladin /sk defense skill bug-230
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Old 11-15-2015, 06:16 PM
jabic jabic is offline

Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 318


This issue is confirmed. I posted about this in another thread:

My post read: "Confirmed. In my text/chat window, my defense skills is going up. However, the defense skill in the skill window shows the old value, in red. This is not merely a display error--armor class is not going up when the text/chat window shows defense skill-ups."

This mechanic bug is still in place as of 11/15/15. Again, the text window shows defense going up to it's new proper value, but the actual value--as displayed in the skills window and as reflected in armor class--is still tied to the old values. In short, shadow knights, paladins, and bards are not actually getting any additional armor class and are locked into pre-patch armor class caps. This is not merely a display bug.