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Old 08-29-2016, 07:20 AM
lurk lurk is offline

Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 171

VP dragons only have 32k hp and you cant hide from AEs. You gotta put them down fast. Hoshkar is still pretty beastly.

A lot of ntov dragons are slowable and you can hide from AEs. They have a lot more hp but are mostly pretty easy with a good ch chain as long as your dps is dodging AEs. Vyemm is considered the hardest dragon in tov since he hits for like 1100 unslowable with an annoying knockback ae, i dont know if its in the timeline but he eventually gets permarooted which adds considerably to the difficulty

Ntov is harder just because it takes more coordination
Last edited by lurk; 08-29-2016 at 07:27 AM..