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Old 03-13-2023, 02:11 AM
diamondfist diamondfist is offline

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Firstly, Thanks!!! for putting in the time for creating, and implementing this event.

Originally Posted by Morgrom [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Did you love it? Did you hate it?
It certainly was fun in certain aspects. Had some frustrating moments but, that is expected when you roll out something that is still being theory crafted and tested.

Originally Posted by Morgrom [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Was it too easy? Was it too hard?
It seemed to be correct for the time period and targets listed.

The ring war may have been a big ask for only a 2 hour window, considering the rest dangled in front of the community. The event itself normally takes 90 minutes, and that's before mobilizing and prepping. There is no way for players to speed up how quickly the waves come in.

Originally Posted by Nexii [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Maybe allow all guilds to agree to do ring war as a server event that doesn't count as a FTE lockout. It would alleviate some of the ToV crowding
Without being able to have "Multiple FTEs" This event would have locked up at least one guild entirely making at least some of the other milestones unachievable. Allowing guilds for a special event like this to have "Multiple FTEs" could have seen each guild sending a group or two towards this event as a server, and alleviating the stress on other zones while doing so. This event honestly would be great for the average joe player to assist in due to access, mob levels, straight forward nature, and lack of AEs. There are non raiders and new players who are terrified about stepping into the planes or tov still...

Originally Posted by Morgrom [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Do you want more events in the future?
Yes, please.
It would be nice to have several events a year. Perhaps at some point favorite "events" can be mixed in with new ones. Or rotated in and out.

Originally Posted by Morgrom [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What went right? What went wrong?
Overall it seemed to bring the community together in a big way that is rare compared to the normal atmosphere of the server. Not only were people working together for a common unified goal. Many players who don't dabble or experience certain content were able to in the very least tag along and lend a hand in some form.

Lord Yelinak. Wasn't up at all when the event was officially started. Then after it was acknowledged and fixed by staff. It was so small that the hitbox was an issue. wasting several more minutes on a timed event, before that was fixed.

One of the biggest headaches / slow down for a timed event like this was most likely dealing with loot. Zone wide randoms in the nature of some events such as 400 people in tov at Vulak, or the zone coming to avenge Tunare's death doesn't help the stress on the server.
It's very easy for players to have their rolls be overlooked, or not counted because they were desynced, or trying to avoid incoming hot death, or even ported to the next targets by a random druid or wizard who had zero interest in the loot that dropped.

The nature of the Tunare event also called for min maxing to avoid desync and that eliminated players of certain classes from participating. I don't think people in smaller guilds / unguilded were in the loop about where to stay to roll on Tunare / that they would be eligible to roll if they didn't help in the actual fight. It was certainly attempted to be communicated but I do bet normal /shouts and word of mouth failed some people here.

(Taking loot off the targets, and rolling in better or more rewards for milestones in a event like this is ideal.) Though this would work better on guild centric events like this one. As non guilded players would fall through the cracks completely if staff didn't random via encounter logs.
But at the same token could staff filter combat logs for non guilded + tiny sized guild characters, and put them in for their own slice of the pie random? It might take away from the big thrill of winning in the moment, but a player logging in to find an item, and a letter congratulating them on winning a prize from their participation of the event might be just as good.

Originally Posted by Morgrom [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
And any other questions/thoughts/ideas that come to mind.
Please utilize the system message / Broadcast system to alert, remind, and update progress on events as they are happening. Yellow server text gets everyone's attention. Some players don't use the P99 discord, these forums, or even have guilds to alert them to what's going on.
"You're In Our World Now." was the marketing phrase, bring the focus back to the game itself not outside means of communication.

Also see below

Originally Posted by Menden [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
We'd love to do more Average Joe events, but with our current tools it's hard make happen. If you have any ideas, we're open to listening. Tell us what's fun.
Can you elaborate on limitations? The Titanium client should have access to some really good lines of code that can be manipulated for events as following... but at the same token most of us don't know what was gutted / taken out other then AAs.

There are vast pool of players that could help given the chance if we are allowed to be in the loop so to speak on what is and isn't possible.

Events could be categorized as different types for scope, and organization.

Short term, 2-6 hour duration.
Medium term, 24-72 hour duration.
Long term, 1-2 weeks duration.

Short term events should fall under the idea of a sprint or special event that is sprung on the players sometimes with little to no notice. These would be more custom / special events with perhaps targets controlled by staff(s).

Medium term events should encompass the idea of a limited event that is more accessible due to the international nature of this server. City Wars or request of assistance of a god / or Norrathian leader(s) would be ideal.

IE Bristlebane has lost his playing cards. All mobs that gives you xp has a very very very small chance to drop a card, which you can turn in for either a random rewards, or you can risk holding it to turn in multiple before the event is over for a better reward, or choice of reward. level 50-60 have a slightly higher drop chance, and raid targets would have the best at 1%.

IE city wars FP vs Neriak - Akanon Vs Filwithe - w/e combination could be spun up lore wise. As players decide which side to align with they are flagged for team pvp and are trying to invade and defend their respected allegiance. Certain NPCs being killed can trigger waves or npcs being deployed.

IE Rallos Zek - Tallon Zek - Vallon Zek Are in search or the best fighters and strategists in Norrath. Each one is spotted in different locations of the world. Each one corresponds to different events. Guilds, Group, and Solo Player(s) can take a turn at attempting to a series of challenges. Which are broken into waves. Players can choose to stop at any time or push their limit. After each wave. The further a player is willing to test themselves, the greater the glory and praise they can achieve. But if they fail at any time, they will forfeit any and all glory because they have forgone the cardinal rule of war, knowing when to run to fight another day!

Long term events should fall under an experience for just about everyone, no matter your time zone or level (within reason). Levels 10-15+ should really be the lowest target imo and perhaps that is a little low.

IE Invasion event. X Race or faction has taken over certain lands for a short term event. IE Orcs have pushed back all goblins throughout Norrath, and taken over all their outposts. The goblin factions are in need of players to help them reclaim their homes, and there are different goblin leaders who are collecting various difficulty to acquire items to help them to take back their homes. (Think about how many zones this could be spread out across) (This could also be not only good for average joe players, but a mixing of higher levels working with lower levels)

Does anyone remember the Lanys T`Vyl and Al`Kabor War on live?

Does anyone remember the mimic event on live where any and every mob had a chance to turn into a mimic at a certain health %?

Some of this stuff would take work creating the scripts... but much of it can be re-run at a later date or have variables swapped for flavor.

I honestly feel most of it should be buried somewhere in the client though, in some form.
Last edited by diamondfist; 03-13-2023 at 02:17 AM..
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