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Old 04-12-2014, 11:00 AM
Kekephee Kekephee is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 719
Default Littleflyflash: Your corpse is dragged

Sorry for posting what should be a private message on the public server board, but I have no idea how else to get this message to this person. I don't even know if she reads the board, but I figured I'd give it a try.

Littleflyflash, if you can see this, I got your corpse to the zone in befallen. I saw that you died while you were waiting for me to get it, so I went ahead and dragged the second one back to the zone, as well, so if you had anything on it you would be able to get it easily.

Good luck!
Kekephee Souphanousinphone
Erudite Bard <BDA>
Blue Server

Every song I play is actually just me screaming the 1812 Overture in a raspy, shrieking falsetto.