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Old 01-14-2021, 03:58 PM
Izmael Izmael is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 2,289

Luclin is where it went downhill for me.

Places like Shadowhaven, Nexus, Bazaar.. soulless, lifeless places that all look the same.

Mobs that nobody likes. What the fuck is a zelniak? Who the fuck cares? But everyone loves a gnoll or a froglok.

Zones that are all huge and square, a-la Halls of Testing. Fuck that shit. Give me the good old Qeynos and Befallen so I can get lost in there.

Items that made everything from previous expansions a bunch of junk.

AA's that made players without AA's a bunch of junk (or was that later on?).

Mindless keying for boring raid zones and soulcrushing timesinks aka "ring events".

Praise Rog/Bog for stopping at Velious and never going past it. We're all lucky here.