Thread: Professor
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:19 PM
Professor Professor is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 2
Default Professor

Well Rogean has served me with a gag-order. I truly enjoyed dispensing bits of EQ lore and wisdom, and the many /tells i received thanking me for improving the quality of /ooc, plus the fact that i know I put a smile on many faces is reward enough for me.

Most of the things I had to say are obviously not anything anyone doesn't already know, but sometimes it's nice to have your memory refreshed or actually learn something interesting of the little known lore of a lesser traveled zone. Quite a few people enjoyed what I had to say, and my intent never was to grief anyone, disrupt /ooc or to degrade the gameplay of this server in any way.

The haters are simply immature assholes who think the world revolves around them, and unless you look talk and act like them, you are made fun of.

Even though I know in my heart of hearts that Professor did nothing to deserve being silenced, and indeed did the opposite by bringing back some memories for some, educated others, and provoked some interesting discussions in /ooc about race/class combos for example, I accept the ruling of the Owners of the server because i have no choice.

Thank you for allowing the Professor to liven up chat for a couple days. it was fun while it lasted.

Thank you. Class is Dismissed.