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Old 01-08-2017, 02:18 AM
EdTuBrutus EdTuBrutus is offline

Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 124

It's very interesting that there are near server high populations. This was the real issue that the original EQ Devs never understood, rare and contested content does not draw people into the game and create interest in the game. It does the opposite.

It;'s why the whole 7 day respawn is absolutely idiotic. It allows a tiny number of players to control the content of the game, get their rocks off denying people content and in the end that becomes the core focus of high end content consumers. Mobs spawning every single day - once per 24 hours would boost the server pop, probably double it AND get rid of the 24/7 content thieves whose participation does nothing but reduce others enjoyment - indeed that is their ONLY goal at this point. They control the mob, you don't get the mob, they chuckle and jerk off thinking bout it.

At its core, there was and is a great game in Everquest. But it was ruined by some pretty ridiculous design decisions that every game since EQ has proved were both unnecessary and counterproductive in terms of keeping people's interest and keeping them playing the game.