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Old 01-17-2022, 09:55 AM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

Are you a successful millionaire yet? This happens naturally once you don't suck so bad.

Also, use a condom.

Try Jordan Peterson. Or some other group activity like church quire if you aren't super athletic. Maybe Drama Club. Or like go hand out food to the homeless on the beach, don't date any of them drug addicts tho.

Girls like cool people, who are low BMI, don't smell weird or have greasy hair/skin, good chatters, knowledgeable while not being know-it-alls or control freaks. Self motivated and established, independent. (you pay rent and don't live with mom, although if you do you may be able to find a smelly fat girl in a similar situation who likes to be neglected like you neglect yourself). Self entertained (not to clingy or dependent on them for fulfillment). Funny (not morbid gross uncle funny tho). And especially important, dress in more colors than black and have other friends first, doesn't matter what sex or gender those friends are, that is probably the #1 most important thing.

They will be impressed by your katana skills hobby if you can meet the above critieria, if you can't well. Yikes.

Also real girls are foody connisiours so it helps to also be a 5 star Michellen chef, and fighter pilot, with a great singing voice, and dance moves. Bring them treats and they will forever swoon to you.

Also never ever ever admit to being a virgin lawl. (also don't make up dumb fake shit to look like you are not a virgin either)

DRUGS and untied shoelaces are a dealbreaker for me for sure. If you don't meet any of these criteria, it's not that you really actually suck or have low potential, it's just that you haven't decided you are worth having all these things in your life, and you probably think a girl will fill that void. Most likely. There must be exceptions. Although I have not met one. Either that or you are disabled in some horrific way due to progress and you probably shouldn't contribute to someone else's mental health issues or the genepool without addressing your own first. Seek help in the community by being a good samaritan and working on projects to better your neighboorhood, village, family, school, friends w/e if that is the case. They will teach you how to be happy and then females will flock to your happy vibes.
Last edited by starkind; 01-17-2022 at 10:10 AM..