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Old 09-23-2021, 02:28 PM
Gravydoo II Gravydoo II is offline

Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 2,375

Like bubonic plague, like millions of people infected and then it became less deadly.. when it ran out of people... LOL

Remember when small pox became less deadly? Only took like 1/3rd of the people in human history dying from it and we're supposed to believe it "became less deadly" because someone invented a vaccine??

Look how afraid he is... Making up stories about virus's becoming "less deadly" after killing hundreds of millions of people throughout history..

So when did the small pox become less deadly? Was it before or after it wiped out all of south america? Before or after it wiped out a huge % of Europe's population??

Thats awful convenient how they became "less deadly" after people started getting vaccinated.

Its too late for that now, hes determined to die on his own terms. Gasping for breath, afraid, and alone.