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Old 11-16-2009, 12:26 PM
Takon Takon is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 39

While not a bad idea in theory, and obviously created with good intentions, this post assumes a few things:

1) Programmers want to do more programming when they get home from work
2) Programmers have time to devote to such a venture
3) These programmers know c++ and perl
4) (Big one) The Devs are willing to let programmers into their source code

I considered offering my services, but I don't fit into 2 or 3. I doubt it would take long to catch on to c++ as I've at least seen the language and know other c-based languages, but who knows with Perl.

I also would be surprised if the Devs were willing to let others work on the source code without at least a bit of background information.

That being said; with developer approval, and after talking to one about it I could see myself lending a couple hours here and there as needed.