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Old 04-29-2021, 06:41 PM
tadkins tadkins is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 589

So quick update; my enchanter is currently level 8, all just feels super slow. I'm genuinely having a hard time getting into the class and the last couple nights I've found myself rather watching Hulu or YouTube over leveling him.

I've twinked this guy out to the best of my ability; currently at 146 INT, 184 CHA, and he even has a GGR now. Other than farming for a jboots MQ I've given him every advantage in the world. I find myself having a hard time finding a good place to level and finding a good rhythm for killing things.

This is what I meant by wanting an enchanter mentor, someone to help advise me in where to go and how to kill in-game, and just having someone experienced to talk to about enchanter things. Someone to help keep me going. Is there anyone willing to help me out in that regard?
Last edited by tadkins; 04-29-2021 at 06:46 PM..