Thread: Get rid of LnS
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Old 12-21-2014, 12:01 PM
Derubael Derubael is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Cabilis East, in the northwest corner of the zone-in from Field of Bone
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Lot's of suspensions get handed out for LnS violations. These count as infractions on your account and end up adding to your # of days suspended for subsequent violations. This stacks up pretty quickly.

As a side note, one of the biggest issues with LnS right now that makes it difficult for us to enforce is all the asshats trying to bait others into suspensions and then posting selective screenshots in petition threads in an attempt to fuck over someone they don't like. I've been seeing this way too much and it needs to stop. If I ever see a petition that I know definitively without a doubt is an attempt to screw someone over by misrepresenting events or straight up lying/making shit up, it's likely they'll get a permanent ban on, at minimum, the account shown in the petition... if not all of their accounts. Maliciously baiting your opponent into violating LnS and then submitting screenshots framed and selected to highlight the violation but exclude your provoking/baiting is a common example of how this is abused.

It's a waste of CSR time and makes it more difficult to help people actually getting screwed over. If you find yourself repeatedly having your LnS violated, and you know you are doing it properly (communicating it clearly, making sure everyone in each zone you go to is aware of your intentions, etc) I highly recommend downloading OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) for its offline recording feature. It takes up hardly any system resources at all (especially compared to fraps) and works just as well. The only downside is that you need to remember to turn it on, which shouldn't be difficult if the problem is as prevalent and widespread as some claim it to be.